What Are Types And Causes Of Sharp Pain In Breast?
What Are Types And Causes Of Sharp Pain In Breast?
Explore causes of sharp breast pain: injury, hormonal changes, cysts, mastitis. Seek medical advice for proper diagnosis.

Breast pain occurs during the reproductive years of women between the ages of 15 and 40. It is common to experience sharp pain in the breasts that usually subside on their own. It is important to seek medical attention if the pain persists, is severe, or is persistent. It is possible that menstrual pains occur as a result of hormonal changes or as a result of menstruation. You may be able to treat yourself, however, if you have an infection or another condition, you will need to consult pain management doctors.

Breast Pain Types

An individual may experience breast pain in one of three ways:

  • Cyclical Breast Pain

An individual may suffer from breast pain during her menstrual cycle as a result of hormonal changes. The hormonal changes cause the breast tissue to become more sensitive, which causes pain. Approximately two out of three women experience cycle breast pain.

Prior to a woman's period, both breasts may become uncomfortable and lumpy, as well as feel tight, heavy, burning, prickling, or stabbing pains, and appear tender and sore to the touch. Most cases of breast cancer affect both breasts; however, there is the possibility of only one breast being affected. Cyctic breast pain generally subsides following the onset of a period, as well as spreading to the armpits, down the arm, or even to the shoulder blade. A cancerous tumor can also spread to the armpit, to the shoulder blade, or to a shoulder blade. 

  • Non-Cyclical Breast Pain

The menstrual cycle is not related to non-cyclical breast pain. Breast pain that is not cyclical may persist or come and go. During and after menopause, it affects women. Breast pain may occur in either breast and may affect the entire breast or a specific area of the breast. It may feel tight, prickly, burning, or stinging. Breast pain that is not cyclical usually diminishes or disappears over time. This occurs approximately half of the time in women who experience it.

Often, there is no clear explanation for the cause of non-cyclical breast pain, but it can be due to:

  • Breast conditions that are benign (not cancerous)

  • Previous breast surgery

  • Breast injury

  • A side effect of certain drugs, such as certain antidepressants and herbal remedies, such as ginseng,

  • Anxiety and stress can also lead to breast pain.


Causes Shooting Pain in the Breast

When you experience breast pain, you may be concerned about a potential diagnosis. The fact that breast pain is rarely a symptom of breast cancer may alleviate any anxiety you may be experiencing. It is, however, a common symptom of a number of benign breast disorders.

  • Pregnancy

During pregnancy, hormone levels can increase significantly, especially in the first trimester. Pain and tenderness may result from this condition.

  • Fibrocystic Breast Tissue

Women between the ages of 20 and 45 are most commonly affected by fibrocystic breast disease. Menstrual hormone changes can have a significant effect on fibrocystic breasts. A woman may experience pain, fullness, or heavy feelings just before menstruation, but soon after, she returns to normal.

  • Breast Cysts

Approximately one in four premenopausal women develop benign cysts in the breast that are fluid-filled sacs, which are non-cancerous, relatively soft, and non-aggressive. Cysts may not cause symptoms, but they may cause pain or discharge from their nipples. The cyst does not require treatment if it is not excessively large or painful. If treatment is necessary, a needle is used to drain the fluid.

  • Fluctuating Hormone Levels

During puberty, menstruation, and the menopause, women's hormone levels fluctuate significantly.

Symptoms Of Breast Pain: What Are They?

A distinction should be made between cyclic and noncyclic breast pain due to the differences in the symptoms. Cyclic breast pain may cause the following symptoms:

  • Swollen.

  • Sore.

  • Tender.

Pain intensity may vary from person to person, and it may also spread to the armpits and shoulders in some individuals.Noncyclic breast pain, on the other hand, is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • A specific area of your breast will be affected by the pain.

  • An acute, sharp pain.

  • It feels as if one area is burning and stabbing.

An individual suffering from noncyclic breast pain may experience symptoms intermittently or for an extended period of time.

Choosing The Right Time To Consult A Physician

If you continue to experience breast pain, you should consult your physician:

  • Affects a specific area of the breast

  • The situation appears to be deteriorating

  • Affects daily activities in a negative manner

  • You will be awoken from sleep by this product

The risk of developing breast cancer in women whose primary symptom is breast pain is very low, but if your doctor suggests you undergo an evaluation, you should do so.

Preventative Measures

The effectiveness of these steps in preventing breast pain will, however, require further research.

  • The use of hormone therapy should be avoided if possible. 

  • By avoiding medications that can cause or exacerbate breast pain, you can prevent it from occurring. 

  • A properly fitted sports bra should be worn while exercising. For relief from severe breast pain, try relaxation therapy.

  • Some people find it beneficial to limit or eliminate caffeine from their diet.

  • The effects of caffeine on breast pain and other premenstrual symptoms, however, have not been conclusively determined.

  • Be careful not to lift excessively or for a prolonged period of time.

  • Eat a diet that is high in complex carbohydrates and low in fat.

  • If you experience pain, you may wish to consider taking over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) - however, your doctor may advise you on the exact dosage to take because prolonged use of these medications may harm your liver.


Despite the fact that Sharp Pain In Breast can be very uncomfortable, it is usually not a serious condition. Fortunately, simple self-care practices can help manage symptoms. Other symptoms, such as lumps, or breast texture changes, should be discussed with your healthcare provider. The medical care provided by Dr Z is of the highest quality.


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