Lior Matian: The CEO Transforming Regal, & Lakeside Health Services
Lior Matian: The CEO Transforming Regal, & Lakeside Health Services
Lior Matian, Supportive Health Group's CEO, revolutionizes home health services. Learn about his role in establishing the organization, his vision, & future aims.

In the realm of home health services, Lior Matian is making waves as a visionary CEO. Leading Supportive Health Group, a prominent Home Health and Hospice Services provider for Regal, ADOC, and Lakeside members throughout Southern California, Lior Matian is transforming healthcare delivery.

This blog post will explore Lior Matian's pivotal role in establishing Supportive Health Group Company,his vision for the organization, and his future aims.

Lior Matian: The Catalyst for Supportive Health Group's Establishment

Lior Matian's journey in the healthcare industry began with a burning desire to create an organization that offers exceptional hospice and caregiving services. Witnessing the growing demand for high-quality home health services and recognizing the need for compassionate care, Lior Matian took the reins and spearheaded the establishment of Supportive Health Group. His leadership and expertise have been critical in developing an organization that prioritizes patient-centric care and surpass standard to fulfill the individual requirement under challenging times.

Vision: Redefining Home Health Services

Lior Matian envisions Supportive Health Group as a beacon of excellence in home health services. He is committed to redefining the standard of care by providing personalized and comprehensive services that extend beyond the conventional notions of caregiving. Lior Matian believes in a holistic approach that encompasses not only the physical well-being of patients but also their emotional and spiritual needs.

His vision is to ensure that every individual receives compassionate and dignified care in the comfort of their own homes.

Future Aims: Expanding Access to Exceptional Care

Lior Matian's dedication to transforming home health services extends beyond the present achievements of Supportive Health Group. He aims to expand the organization's reach, making its exceptional care accessible to a broader population. Lior Matian envisions forging strategic partnerships and collaborations with healthcare providers and organizations to create a seamless care network.

He aims to enhance integrated and comprehensive support available through these partnerships, ensuring patients receive the highest quality care throughout their healthcare journey.

The Importance of Home Health Services:

Home health services are vital in providing personalized care, enhancing the quality of life, and promoting independence for needy individuals. These services offer many benefits, making them an invaluable resource for patients and their families.

·        Personalized Care - Home health services are tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. Care plans are developed with patients, their families, and healthcare professionals to ensure that the care provided aligns with their specific requirements and preferences. This personalized approach allows for a higher level of satisfaction and better outcomes.


·        Comfort and Familiarity -  Receiving care in the comfort of one's own home promotes a sense of security and familiarity. Patients are in a familiar environment surrounded by their loved ones, which can significantly reduce the stress and anxiety associated with receiving care in an unfamiliar setting. This sense of comfort contributes to the patient's overall well-being and quality of life.


Enhanced Quality of Life - Home health care services aim to improve people's lives by meeting their physical, emotional, and social needs. The emphasis is not only on managing medical conditions but also on promoting overall wellness.

By providing personalized care plans and holistic support, home health services help individuals maintain their independence, engage in activities they enjoy, and stay connected to their communities.


·        Cost-Effectiveness - Home health services can be more cost-effective than hospital or institutional care. By receiving care at home, individuals can avoid the high costs associated with hospital stays, transportation, and other expenses. Home health services often reduce hospital readmissions and healthcare utilization, potentially saving costs.


·        Family Involvement & Support - Home health services involve the active participation of family members in the care process. Family caregivers are crucial in supporting the patient's well-being, and home health services provide education, training, and respite services to empower and assist them. This involvement strengthens the support system and promotes better patient outcomes.

Supportive Health Group: Your Partner in Quality Care

Under the visionary leadership of Lior Matian, Supportive Health Group has become a trusted home health and hospice service provider. Our dedicated team, guided by Lior Matian's passion for compassionate care, strives to deliver exceptional services tailored to each patient's needs. With a focus on quality, personalized care plans, and a multidisciplinary approach, Supportive Health Group stands out from other providers.

We are dedicated to providing the best possible care and support at Supportive Health Group. Their team always assists you whether you require professional medical assistance, emotional support, or spiritual comfort. Experience the transformative power of our services to find a partner who genuinely cares about your well-being.


Q: What sets Supportive Health Group apart from other home health service providers?

ASupportive Health Group distinguishes itself through its dedication to excellence, personalized care plans, and comprehensive support that caters to all patients' physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Q: Does the Supportive Health Group provide specialized hospice care?

A: Yes, Supportive Health Group offers specialized hospice services that improve quality of life, symptom management, and considerate support for patients and their families.

Q: How can I contact Supportive Health Group to learn more about their services?

A: Visit our website at to learn more about our Supportive Health Group and health care services. Contact our knowledgeable customer service representatives at 888.982.0847 or We are here to help and provide all information you need


 Success Stories & Testimonials:


John's Story:

John, a retired veteran, was diagnosed with a chronic illness that required ongoing medical care. His mobility was limited, making it difficult to access healthcare facilities regularly. Supportive Health Group provided him with a dedicated team of healthcare professionals who delivered medical care, assisted with medication management, and offered emotional support.


With their help, John managed his condition effectively, improved his overall well-being, and maintained his independence at home.


Sarah's Feedback:

"When my mother was diagnosed with a terminal illness, I was determined to provide her with the best possible care and support. During those trying times, Supportive Health Group became our lifeline.

Not only did their team provide excellent medical care, but they also provided emotional support to both my mother and our family. Their kindness and dedication made a significant difference in our lives, allowing us to make the most of our time together. ."


To Conclude

Lior Matian, as the visionary CEO of Supportive Health Group, is revolutionizing home health services by prioritizing compassionate care and delivering exceptional support to patients and their families. Through his leadership, Lior Matian has played a pivotal role in establishing Supportive Health Group as a trusted home health and hospice service provider.

He aims to expand access to exceptional care by forging strategic partnerships and collaborations with healthcare providers and organizations. The goal is to create a seamless network of care that ensures individuals receive integrated support throughout their healthcare journey.

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