Microdermabrasion Devices: An Effective Skin Care Treatment Option
Microdermabrasion Devices: An Effective Skin Care Treatment Option
Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that uses an instrument with a little crystal or diamond-tipped wand to gently and effectively slough off dead skin cells from the outer layers of the skin.

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive exfoliation technique used to gently slough off the outer layers of dead skin cells from the face and body. By removing the dull, flaky surface layer, it reveals fresher, smoother skin underneath. The process is performed using a device that sprays fine crystals or an abrasive tip with suction to lightly buff away dead skin.
How Does it Work?
There are two main types of Microdermabrasion Devices - crystal and non-crystal. Crystal microdermabrasion devices utilize aluminum oxide crystals to gently exfoliate the skin. The crystals are sprayed onto the skin along with vacuum suction to remove dead skin cells. Non-crystal or diamond microdermabrasion devices use a diamond-tipped wand attached to a suction handpiece to gently and uniformly abrade the epidermis. Both techniques help stimulate new collagen and elastin fiber production in the skin, resulting in a fresher, younger looking complexion.
Benefits of Microdermabrasion
Some of the main benefits of microdermabrasion include:
- Smooths fine lines and wrinkles. By removing dead skin cells, microdermabrasion helps diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, especially around the eyes, forehead, and mouth. Over time, it can improve the texture and tone of the skin.
- Reduces acne scarring. For those with acne scarring or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, microdermabrasion is effective at diminishing blemishes by contouring the skin. It works by breaking up and removing darkened spots caused by previous breakouts.
- Evens skin tone and texture. The light exfoliation process exfoliates and renews the top layer of skin. This can help even out skin tone and give the complexion a brighter, smoother appearance. It's helpful for those with dull, flaky skin.
- Minimizes pore size. By sloughing off dead skin cells from pores, microdermabrasion can make pores appear tighter and less conspicuous over continued treatments. It's beneficial for anyone struggling with large or clogged pores.
- Reduces signs of aging. In addition to improving fine lines, wrinkles and texture, microdermabrasion stimulates collagen production. With regular use over time, it can help slow signs of aging like loss of elasticity and reduce the look of age spots.
- No downtime. Most people experience little to no discomfort during the procedure and no significant redness, swelling or flaking after. You can resume normal activities and wear makeup immediately.
How is it Performed?
During a microdermabrasion treatment, you will lie down while the aesthetician gently guides the wand or handpiece in broad sweeping motions over the face. Depending on the device used, you may feel slight suction or a light scratching sensation as the crystals or diamond tip slough off dead skin. Most sessions last 30-60 minutes. A series of 6 treatments spaced 2-4 weeks apart is usually recommended for maximum skin rejuvenation results. Afterward, the skin may look and feel slightly pink but should return to normal within a few hours. At-home microdermabrasion kits are also available to maintain results between professional treatments.
Efficacy: According to clinical research, in-office microdermabrasion is proven to significantly improve the signs of aging, acne scarring, sun damage and other skin conditions after just one 30-60 minute treatment. Studies show continued diamond microdermabrasion treatments every 4 weeks for 3 months results in up to a 30% increase in collagen levels. As collagen production increases and dead skin cells are sloughed away, skin texture, tone and appearance continues to noticeably refine over the course of treatment.
Microdermabrasion is considered quite safe when performed by a licensed professional. Still, there are some risks to be aware of before undergoing regular treatments or purchasing a home-use device. These include possible minor bleeding, redness, flaking or swelling after the procedure. There is also a small chance of infection if the tools aren't sterilized properly. Those with diabetes, eczema or eye conditions like rosacea should check with their dermatologist first before Microdermabrasion. In general though, most people tolerate the procedure very well with minimal to no side effects when used correctly.
Who are Candidates for Microdermabrasion?
Nearly all skin types, including sensitive complexions, are suitable candidates for microdermabrasion. But it is particularly beneficial for those wanting to:
- Diminish fine lines, wrinkles, solar or actinic keratosis.
- Improve skin texture and tone.
- Reduce the appearance of acne scarring and post-inflammatory marks.
- Minimize visible pores.
- Exfoliate sun-damaged, dull or flaky skin.
- Achieve an instant glow and more radiant complexion.
- Slow signs of aging like loss of elasticity.
- Treat hyperpigmentation from conditions like melasma.
Microdermabrasion is an ideal non-invasive skin rejuvenating technique for most mild to moderate skin concerns. With its ability to safely slough off dead skin and stimulate collagen, it delivers noticeable smoothing and clarifying results after just one treatment. Regular ongoing diamond microdermabrasion offers a cost-effective alternative to laser resurfacing or cosmetic procedures when consistent skin renewal and rejuvenation is the goal.

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