Navigating Local Law 11: Understanding Compliance and Maintenance
Navigating Local Law 11: Understanding Compliance and Maintenance
Local Law 11 was enacted in response to a tragic accident in 1979 when a piece of masonry fell from a building, resulting in a fatality.

Local Law 11, also known as the Facade Inspection and Safety Program (FISP), is a crucial regulation in New York City aimed at ensuring the safety and structural integrity of buildings. Understanding and complying with NYC Local Law 11 Services requirements is essential for building owners and managers to maintain the safety of their properties and avoid penalties. In this guide, we'll navigate through the key aspects of Local Law 11, from compliance to maintenance protocols.

Introduction to Local Law 11

What is Local Law 11?

Local Law 11 was enacted in response to a tragic accident in 1979 when a piece of masonry fell from a building, resulting in a fatality. The law mandates periodic inspections of building facades to identify and address any unsafe conditions.

Purpose of Local Law 11

The primary goal of Local Law 11 is to prevent accidents and injuries caused by falling debris from deteriorating building facades. By requiring regular inspections and repairs, the law aims to uphold public safety and preserve the architectural heritage of the city.

Compliance with Local Law 11

Inspection Cycle

Under Local Law 11, buildings must undergo facade inspections at least once every five years. The inspection cycle is determined by the year in which the building was constructed, with older buildings typically subject to more frequent inspections.

Qualified Inspectors

Facade inspections must be conducted by qualified and licensed professionals, such as professional engineers or registered architects, who have undergone specialized training in facade assessment.

Filing Requirements

After completing the inspection, building owners must file a facade inspection report with the New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) detailing the findings and any required repairs. Failure to file a report or address identified issues can result in fines and penalties.

Facade Maintenance and Repair

Remediation Process

If deficiencies or unsafe conditions are identified during the inspection, building owners are required to address them promptly. This may involve repairing or replacing deteriorated masonry, restoring structural elements, or installing protective measures such as scaffolding or netting.

Timeline for Repairs

Local Law 11 establishes deadlines for completing necessary repairs based on the severity of the issues identified. Failure to adhere to these timelines can result in escalating penalties and enforcement actions by the DOB.

Compliance Monitoring

The DOB monitors compliance with Local Law 11 through random audits and inspections, as well as responding to complaints from tenants or members of the public regarding unsafe conditions.

Importance of Compliance

Public Safety

Compliance with Local Law 11 is essential for ensuring the safety of building occupants, pedestrians, and neighboring properties. By addressing potential hazards proactively, building owners can prevent accidents and mitigate liability risks.

Property Preservation

Maintaining compliance with Local Law 11 helps preserve the structural integrity and aesthetic appeal of buildings, safeguarding their long-term value and investment potential.

Legal Obligations

Building owners have a legal obligation to comply with Local Law 11 requirements, and failure to do so can result in significant financial consequences, including fines, legal fees, and potential lawsuits.


Navigating Local Law 11 requires a thorough understanding of its requirements and obligations for building owners and managers. By prioritizing facade inspections, addressing maintenance issues promptly, and staying informed about compliance regulations, property stakeholders can ensure the safety and integrity of their buildings while avoiding costly penalties.


Q1) What happens if a building fails to comply with Local Law 11?

Failure to comply with Local Law 11 can result in fines, penalties, and legal consequences, including court-ordered repairs and potential closure of the building until safety concerns are addressed.

Q2) Are there any exemptions or waivers available under Local Law 11?

Certain buildings may qualify for exemptions or waivers from specific inspection or repair requirements under Local Law 11, but these are typically granted under limited circumstances and must be approved by the DOB.

Q3) How can building owners find qualified inspectors for Local Law 11 inspections?

Building owners can search for qualified and licensed facade inspectors through professional organizations, industry directories, or referrals from other property owners or managers.

Q4) What are some common issues identified during Local Law 11 inspections?

Common issues identified during Local Law 11 inspections include cracks in masonry, deteriorated mortar joints, loose or missing bricks, rusting metal components, and signs of water infiltration or moisture damage.

Q5) Can building owners appeal the findings of a Local Law 11 inspection?


Building owners have the right to appeal the findings of a Local Law 11 inspection if they believe there are errors or inaccuracies in the assessment. This typically involves providing additional evidence or documentation to support their case.


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