Exploring the dos and don'ts of effective essay writing: Common pitfalls to avoid
Exploring the dos and don'ts of effective essay writing: Common pitfalls to avoid
Writing an essay is HARD, right? So many regulations, such a protracted procedure. Now that I've identified them, I want to share with you the most frequent errors I make when writing essays so you can understand where you can improve.

All types of academic writing are subject to a few fundamental rules. Even if formal writing includes everything from academic essays to theses. Writing in various forms can occasionally amount to nothing less than purposeful torment for a student! But these tasks become a lot less intimidating if you follow the fundamental guidelines for academic writing. In order to make these guidelines easier for you to understand. Therefore, I have compiled them into the top five academic writing dos and don'ts.


It takes talent to be a good writer. Learning how to spell, communicate your thoughts, write correctly, etc., requires years of practice. However, there's a misperception that everyone must be born with exceptional essay-writing capabilities and that those who don't aren't really gifted.

Therefore, if you really don't think you're very good at writing essays, you're more likely to put it off, wait until the last minute, and not put in enough effort to obtain a good mark. Having this belief will impede your growth and self-assurance. In the same way that practicing makes perfect, when it comes to baking. As a result, writing a few essays will improve your writing.


Make your essay easy to read: A lot of teachers admit that they quickly scan writings to determine a student's level of understanding of the material and to gauge how closely they have adhered to style guidelines. This is due to the large number of essays that require evaluation. Because of this, it's a good idea to arrange your essay so that, even while reading fast, the essential ideas are clear and easy to see.

Do make Use of Transitions in Paragraphs: Paragraphs can sound like different text sections placed together at times. This is not an appropriate writing style. The reader should be able to follow your essay's natural progression from one topic to the next. You should therefore use transitional words and phrases.

Do provide instances: You just need to provide examples based on your personal experience. Even when you describe something you've read don't use a direct quote. As a result, it is still preferable to acknowledge the original creator of the work. By doing this, your examples will serve as more reliable and powerful evidence for the points you wish to express. For instance: affordable essay-writing service .

Does Present-Tense Literature Discussion Make Sense? It is best to write in the present tense, also known as the historical present or narrative present. While writing literary reviews or essays that are based on literary works. It increases the feeling of presence by adding realism and interest to the story. Your essay must explain your command of the language, also your ability to select suitable terms, and your knowledge of the subject. You should also make sure that you address the topic of the essay, write in short sentences, follow the correct format, style, and genre of composition, use relevant terminology, and check your work completely.

Do provide instances: You just need to provide examples based on your personal experience. even when you describe something you've read and don't use a direct quote. As a result, it is still preferable to acknowledge the original creator of the work. By doing this, your examples will serve as more reliable and powerful evidence for the points you wish to express. Consider: low-cost essay writing assistance

Do Discuss Literature in the Present Tense: The present tense, also known as the historical present or narrative present, is recommended when writing literary evaluations or essays that are based on literary works. It increases the feeling of presence by adding realism and interest to the story. An essay is meant to show off your command of the language and your ability to choose appropriate words. in addition to proving that you comprehend the material. Additionally, make sure to answer the essay's subject, utilize short sentences, select the appropriate type, style, and format, select the appropriate language, and edit your work completely.


Don’t stuffing your essay with too many details and data: In an attempt to make the essay comprehensive and whole there is a desire to include every single aspect of your research. But your goals are to focus the subject, demonstrate your ability to organize and evaluate data. Also, select only the most pertinent facts to support your arguments.

Don’t use slang terms

Take caution when choosing words for your papers. Although it's normal for informal, daily English to come through in your writing. Therefore, you need to learn to cut them out. Colloquial phrases and sentences do not belong in an academic article. Since formal writing norms are meant to make your thoughts easily understood by everyone.

Don’t use unsuitable fonts and styles

One of the first things we learn in school when we are taught to write essays is that here, your ideas are what really matter, and aesthetics are just decorative elements.

Do not change the verb tense.

 A verb's tense expresses whether an event is occurring in the past, present, or future. It's a well-known writing convention to avoid arbitrarily switching the verb tense in both official and casual writing.

Regretfully, academic writing is prone to errors of this kind, particularly when essays are prepared at three in the morning on the strength of strong coffee and willpower alone. Thus, it's typical to get something like this (basic) example:

Don't go above the word limit

Students frequently find writing academic essays with word counts restrictions to be inconvenient. However, these restrictions force you to write concisely and cut out unnecessary details from your writing.

The word restriction encourages focus in your writing and makes sure that long, drawn-out sentences or pointless introductions won't turn off readers. Therefore, you shouldn't write more words than necessary in an academic paper.


Finally, now that you know the dos and don'ts, you may apply this understanding to improve your academic writing. You should also think about using our academic editing services if you want to polish your academic work and get great grades.

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