7 Tips for Staying Motivated as a Yoga Instructor
7 Tips for Staying Motivated as a Yoga Instructor
Reward yourself for staying on track. In order to be an effective yoga instructor, you need to motivate your students to achieve their full potential.

When it comes to maintaining a fitness routine, for most of us, motivation is based on our mood, health, and other outside factors. Without motivation, being consistent and achieving the decided goals is challenging. Practicing yoga can bring an overall change in our lives. Practicing yoga regularly will make you feel light, healthy, and inspired. We would like to share a few tips to integrate yoga into your life and for staying motivated as a yoga instructor.

Yoga is praised for its stress-busting benefits. Whole mind-body practice helps regulate stress, which triggers the physiological changes in the body. Yoga offers overall mental and physical health benefits for all ages of people. Practicing yoga can help you build more flexibility and strength to better deal with challenges. Yoga is a mainstream activity and is commonly portrayed as a healthy lifestyle choice.

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga therapists also work with patients, they can put together a plan that’ll align with their medical and surgical therapies.

  • Yoga improves strength, balance, and flexibility

  • Hydrate your spine

  • Boost immune system

  • Improve mental health

  • Better sleep cycle

  • Helps you gain focus

  • Reduces anxiety

  • Better body posture and awareness

Taking on the role of a yoga teacher involves many responsibilities. It can turn out to be a life-transforming experience for you. 

Team Up!

One of the biggest challenges any business owners face is handling everything all by themselves. In your yoga business, there’s no office full of people to help you carry through the tough times. Having a team by your side will help in problem-solving and generating new ideas. To connect with people in your area you can also join online groups on social media and meet like-minded people and share your experience with them.

Take Baby Steps Everyday

It can be scary to jump into the world of entrepreneurship. Take baby steps when you’re in the initial stages of building your business. This is simple, yet largely overlooked by many. Instead of keeping preparing for one big step, opt to take baby steps every day. Decide on a few asanas to practice regularly. Being determined will eliminate the “not yet” and “maybe tomorrow” attitude that provokes the feeling of stagnation. Commit to these small steps and stay honest towards them. 

Follow A Set Schedule

Having motivation as your only source of motivation won't always work. Motivation can fade according to your mood and situational circumstances. Follow a detailed well-planned schedule. Being a yoga instructor it’s not much helpful to depend on outside factors to stay motivated as a yoga instructor. It’s always more reliable and wise to have a schedule. 

Approach With Curiosity

It’s not only us, a list of researchers has found that when you trigger curiosity in yourself or your team, you’ll see amazing results. Curiosity has been connected to better and faster solutions and learning. Curious people have the urge to solve every problem and as a result, you’ll get easy solutions for every problem in your yoga studio. 

Set a Goal

Yoga is traditionally associated with only one goal - enlightenment. Yogis find it helpful to pursue smaller and attainable goals. Setting a goal is everything when you’re trying to stay motivated as a yoga instructor. Plan your schedule in advance to stay motivated. Becoming a yoga instructor is a big investment of time and energy. Set achievable goals and work your way through them. Pick one pose you’d like to practice and make note of your progress every day. Checklist when setting a goal:

  • Are you looking to learn yoga in depth?

  • What’s your inspiration to become a yoga instructor?

  • Are you ready to commit to the work it requires?

Go Digital

After the Covid pandemic, it’s time to hit digital and get used to the new normal. There has been an overwhelming demand for yoga content and teachers. Give your students an elite experience with the industry's best tool - Picktime. Picktime is a free web-based appointment scheduling for yoga trainers. It has been rated the best for serving the happiest customers by G2, Capterra, and Crozdesk.

Yoga, Beauty & Fitness, Sports, Medical, Education, Entertainment, Coaching, Pet Services, or Personal Meetings. Be it any industry, Picktime has got all the businesses covered. Using Picktime users will get a separate booking page with a unique URL. Picktime is fully packed with powerful features that can be accessed 24/7 from multiple locations all you’ll need is a web browser and an internet connection. Users can access real-time slot availability with an easy-to-use online calendar (Apple/Google/Outlook).

You can easily integrate it with your social media pages to convert visitors into clients. Not only this you can also leverage the booking forms feature to get advanced knowledge about your clients. Picktime also gives easy and secure payment options. Integrate with PayPal/Stripe and get a deposit or full advance payment within a few seconds. Automatic timezone conversion, recurring bookings, automatic reminders, detailed reports, waitlist & attendance, and the list goes on. No more waiting, sign up for free now and start leveraging this feature-rich tool.

Expand Your Skills and Knowledge

Another amazing way to stay motivated as a yoga instructor is to keep on learning. Continuing learning is vital when looking to become an expert yoga teacher. If possible attend workshops - choose teachers you’re eager to learn from. Hearing and learning a different perspective can act as a huge boost reminding you that things can evolve and change. This will be a great step for students too as their practice will be enriched by your knowledge and skills. 

Additional Tips

As a yoga instructor, you've spent countless hours learning, teaching, planning classes, and developing new techniques. Moreover, you’re also a human and it’s human to lose inspiration or get bored with the process. We’ve put together a few extra tips for you to stay motivated as a yoga instructor.

  • Practice makes a man perfect

  • Keep learning and keep growing

  • Conduct classes on different themes

  • Join certification courses

  • Try motivational apps

Look after yourself, eat, and sleep well. Teaching yoga is a wonderful and rewarding job. Reward yourself for staying on track. In order to be an effective yoga instructor, you need to motivate your students to achieve their full potential. And take any stream or any walk of life, you can’t inspire others if you don’t know how to uplift yourself.

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