PRP Hair Loss, Hair Treatment & Restoration in Dubai at Royal
PRP Hair Loss, Hair Treatment & Restoration in Dubai at Royal
PRP Hair Loss, Hair Treatment & Restoration is hair to provide a fuller scalp and rescue baldness. Read below and get the treatment!

Millions of individuals throughout the world suffer from hair loss, which has prompted a search for practical ways to stop hair loss and keep a healthy, full mane. Hair loss can now be effectively treated non-surgically with PRP Hair Loss, Hair Treatment & Restoration, which also promotes hair restoration.

PRP Hair Loss, Hair Treatment & Restoration

PRP for Hair Loss!

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is a concentrated platelet solution made from your own blood. Growth factors and bioactive proteins, which promote tissue regeneration and repair, are abundant in these platelets. A tiny sample of the patient's blood is extracted, treated to separate the platelets, and then injected into the scalp as part of PRP therapy for hair Restoration in Dubai. This promotes natural hair repair by fostering the growth and health of hair follicles.

Who are the Ideal Candidates?

PRP therapy in Dubai for hair loss is a versatile option that can benefit a range of individuals. Ideal candidates include:


  • Early Hair Loss: PRP works especially well for people who are gradually losing their hair or are in the early stages of hair loss.

  • Both genders: PRP can help those with androgenetic alopecia, or both male and female pattern baldness, regardless of their gender.

  • Non-surgical Treatment: Candidates who would rather not undergo surgery and who want to forego the dangers and recuperation involved in hair transplant surgery.

  • Combination Therapy: PRP is a useful alternative for those who are currently using minoxidil, finasteride, or other interventions because it can be used in conjunction with these treatments to improve outcomes.

  • Good Health: Generally speaking, candidates should be in good health and have reasonable expectations for the results.

  • Alopecia Areata: People who have alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss, may also benefit from PRP treatments.

The Benefits of PRP for Hair Loss:

According to the experts at Enfield Royal Clinic, PRP therapy for hair loss offers a range of advantages:


  • Natural Regrowth: It stimulates the body's natural hair growth process, leading to new hair growth that looks and feels natural.

  • Minimally Invasive: Since PRP is a non-surgical procedure, no incisions or stitches are needed. For many patients, it is a handy option because of its low downtime.

  • Customizable: PRP therapy can be adjusted to meet the unique needs and concerns of each patient.

  • No Rejections or Allergies: Since the patient's blood is used to make the PRP, there is no chance of rejection or allergic responses.

  • Better Hair Health: PRP can strengthen and fortify existing hair, increasing its resistance to additional loss.

  • Safe and Proven: PRP Hair Treatment in Dubai has a long history of safe use in a variety of medical applications, and its efficacy in hair restoration is starting to be recognized.

Pre and Post-Care Instructions:

To optimize the results of PRP therapy for hair loss, adhering to proper pre and post-care instructions is essential:

Pre-Care Instructions:

  • Consultation: Make an appointment for a consultation to go over your candidacy and expectations with a licensed healthcare professional.

  • Avoid Blood Thinners: To lower the risk of severe bleeding or bruising, avoid taking any blood-thinning drugs or supplements for at least one week before the surgery.

  • No Alcohol: To reduce the chance of bruising, cut back on alcohol consumption a few days before the procedure.

  • Keep Yourself Hydrated: To ensure that your body and scalp are properly hydrated in the days preceding your appointment, sip on lots of water.

  • Shampoo and Cleanse: To guarantee a clean scalp, wash your hair the night before or the morning of the operation.

Post-Care Instructions:

  • Minimize Sun Exposure: For a few days following the procedure, shield your scalp from direct sunlight to avoid UV damage.

  • Avoid Intense Exercise: During the first 24 to 48 hours following treatment, abstain from intense exercise or any other activity that could cause excessive perspiration.

  • Gentle Hair Care: For the first few days, refrain from vigorously massaging or scouring your scalp. Instead, use gentle shampoos and conditioners.

  • Rescheduled Appointments: Keep all agreed-upon follow-up appointments in order to assess progress and make any required modifications.

  • Be patient: Because it takes time for new hair to develop, it can take several months to experience the full advantages of PRP therapy.

A promising option for individuals:

PRP therapy has grown in popularity as a secure and reliable hair restoration technique for people with hair loss. It is appropriate for a range of individuals looking for a non-surgical way to stop hair loss and encourage organic regeneration. For those hoping to restore their confidence via thicker, fuller hair, PRP therapy is a promising alternative because of its many advantages, such as its low invasiveness and personalized treatment options.

Regrow and restore your hair with PRP Therapy!

Restore your hair with the most effective therapy of PRP in Dubai. Our experts assure to provide you with the most effective and lasting treatment!


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