How to Quickly Heal from a Cold Sore
How to Quickly Heal from a Cold Sore
You can recognise the symptoms of a cold sore if you've ever had one. First comes the tingling, and then the corner of your mouth or the edge of your lip starts to burn.

You can recognise the symptoms of a cold sore if you've ever had one. First comes the tingling, and then the corner of your mouth or the edge of your lip starts to burn. 

Finally, the outbreak: a hideous red sore. It starts to crust over and split apart after a few days. In two to four weeks, it should be gone.

Cold sores, often called fever blisters, are tiny, fluid-filled blisters that develop on or near the lips. They form as a result of the herpes simplex virus (HSV). This virus is extremely infectious and may transmit from person to person through intimate contact like kissing or the exchange of personal objects like toothbrushes. 

If you want to ease the discomfort and shorten the length of a cold sore, getting treatment right away is essential. 

This blog will talk about how to stop cold sores from spreading, as well as what you can do at home to help heal them quickly and if getting a prescription online is the right choice for you.

How to Treat a Cold Sore Naturally

The discomfort of a cold sore can be lessened and its length shortened with the aid of a few natural remedies:

1. Aloe Vera Gel

The anti-inflammatory and antiviral characteristics of aloe vera make it an effective treatment for cold sores. Pure aloe vera gel should be applied topically to the cold sore many times daily.

2. Icing

Applying a cold compress to the tender area might help dull the discomfort. Don't risk skin harm by rubbing ice straight onto your body.

3. Vitamins C and E

Vitamins C and E have both been proven to be effective against cold sores. Studies have shown that the herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores can be successfully combated by Vitamin C. Vitamin E has been demonstrated to speed up the recovery time for cold sores in other studies.

4. Reducing Stress

Taking measures to reduce stress may reduce the likelihood of getting cold sores. Take some time to meditate or practise deep breathing.

5. Tea Tree Extract

Using tea tree oil to treat a cold sore is recommended because of the oil's antiviral characteristics. Tea tree oil can be applied topically with a cotton swab up to three times a day after being diluted with a carrier oil (like coconut oil).

6. Cold Patch

Using a cold sore patch, like Compeed, can help prevent the spread of germs and the virus by covering the sore. As soon as you notice symptoms, put the patch on the afflicted region.

7. Over-the-counter ointments (OTC):

Over-the-counter treatments can provide relief and help speed up the healing process. When applied promptly upon the first signs of soreness, topical lotions containing zinc oxide, zinc sulphate, or an anaesthetic can alleviate the discomfort.

8. Honey

Honey's antibacterial characteristics make it an effective remedy for treating cold sores and shortening their duration. Use a cotton swab to dab a tiny quantity of raw honey over the cold sore up to four times a day.

Tips to Prevent the Spread of Cold Sores

Cold sores don't have to be a big deal. They're a pain, but they're not fatal. They don't even make you contagious — your immune system most likely causes them.

If you have a cold sore, there are some things you should do to help it heal quickly and prevent it from spreading:

● Practice Good Hygiene

Good cleanliness is essential in stopping the spread of cold sores. Always use soap and water to clean your hands after handling the cold sore or anything that may have come into contact with it, such as towels or lip balms.

● Stay away from direct contact

If you have a cold sore breakout, try to avoid kissing other people, especially on the lips.

Do not risk spreading the virus by sharing goods like lip balms, cutlery, or towels with other people.

● Use Sunscreen!

Cold sore breakouts are often caused by exposure to the sun’s rays. Lips protected from the sun's rays are less likely to experience repeated outbreaks. 

● Strengthen Your Immune System

A strong immune system can cause cold sore outbreaks to be less frequent or milder. Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats to support your immune system.

● Get Some Help from The Doctors

Seek medical assistance if the cold sore lasts longer than two weeks, worsens, or becomes infected. A medical expert might conduct additional testing and make therapy suggestions. If you need antiviral medicine, you may be able to get it quickly and easily through an online prescription service in Australia.


Using natural remedies, OTC medicines, and excellent hygiene to limit the spread of the virus are the cornerstones of a fast and effective treatment plan for cold sores. Always remember to visit a doctor if the cold sore worsens or becomes infected. You can get prescriptions online in Australia for antiviral prescription drugs for cold sores. 

By adhering to these guidelines above, you can lessen the severity of your cold sore symptoms and stop them from spreading.

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