Keloid Removal: Dubai's Financial Considerations
Keloid Removal: Dubai's Financial Considerations
Scars & Keloid Treatment in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah is Best after Skin injury is the major cause of this problem so it is your responsibility to take good care of the wound after having any injury.

Keloid removal cost in Dubai

In the bustling city of Dubai, where beauty and innovation thrive, individuals seek the latest advancements in cosmetic procedures. Among these procedures, keloid removal stands out as a solution for those grappling with the physical and emotional burdens of keloid scars. However, before embarking on this journey towards smoother skin, it's crucial to understand the financial considerations associated with Keloid removal in Dubai.

Understanding Keloid Scars

Before delving into the financial aspects, let's grasp what keloid scars entail. Keloids are raised overgrowths of scar tissue that develop at the site of a wound, often extending beyond the original injury. These scars result from an overproduction of collagen during the healing process, leading to a raised, thickened appearance. While they are not harmful, keloids can cause discomfort, itching, and self-consciousness, prompting individuals to seek removal options.

The Cost of Keloid Removal

Keloid removal procedures can vary significantly in cost depending on several factors, including the size and severity of the keloid, the chosen treatment method, and the expertise of the medical provider. In Dubai, renowned for its world-class healthcare facilities, individuals can access a range of options for Keloid removal cost in Dubai, each with its associated price point.

Surgical Excision

Surgical excision involves cutting out the keloid and closing the wound with stitches. This method is effective for smaller keloids but may not be suitable for larger or more complex cases. The cost of surgical excision in Dubai typically ranges from AED 2000 to AED 5000, depending on the size and location of the keloid.


Cryotherapy utilizes extreme cold to freeze and destroy the keloid tissue. This non-invasive approach is suitable for smaller keloids and is often less expensive than surgical excision. In Dubai, cryotherapy for keloid removal can cost between AED 1000 and AED 3000 per session, with multiple sessions often required for optimal results.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy targets the blood vessels feeding the keloid, reducing its size and appearance. While laser treatment can be effective for some keloids, it may not be suitable for all skin types. In Dubai, the cost of laser therapy for keloid removal typically ranges from AED 3000 to AED 8000 per session, depending on the complexity of the case.

Additional Considerations

In addition to the direct costs of the keloid removal procedure, individuals in Dubai should consider other financial factors associated with the treatment process. These may include:

Consultation Fees

Before undergoing keloid removal, individuals often consult with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon to discuss their options and develop a personalized treatment plan. Consultation fees in Dubai can range from AED 500 to AED 1000, depending on the specialist's expertise and reputation.

Post-Treatment Care

After keloid removal, proper wound care and follow-up appointments are essential for ensuring optimal healing and minimizing the risk of recurrence. Individuals should budget for post-treatment medications, dressings, and additional consultations, which can vary depending on the specific requirements of each case.

Insurance Coverage

While cosmetic procedures like keloid removal are typically considered elective and may not be covered by insurance, individuals in Dubai should check with their healthcare provider to understand their coverage options. In some cases, insurance may partially or fully cover the cost of keloid removal if it is deemed medically necessary.


Keloid removal in Dubai offers individuals the opportunity to reclaim confidence and achieve smoother, clearer skin. However, it's essential to consider the financial implications of this decision carefully. By understanding the costs associated with keloid removal procedures and factoring in additional expenses such as consultation fees and post-treatment care, individuals can make informed decisions that align with their budget and goals. With the support of skilled medical professionals and access to state-of-the-art facilities, achieving keloid-free skin in Dubai is within reach for those ready to invest in their well-being.

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