In Chromatography, The Components, Or Solutes, Of A Mixture Are Separated By Their Relative Amounts
In Chromatography, The Components, Or Solutes, Of A Mixture Are Separated By Their Relative Amounts

With the turn of the millennium, Chromatography witnessed a remarkable expansion in its applications. It became an indispensable technique in drug discovery and development, where it played a vital role in the analysis of pharmaceutical compounds, impurity profiling, and pharmacokinetics. Chromatography also found widespread use in the fields of proteomics, metabolomics, and genomics, enabling the identification and quantification of biomolecules with high precision.

Today, Chromatography has diversified into various specialized forms to meet the demands of different industries and scientific disciplines. Liquid chromatography techniques, such as reversed-phase, ion-exchange, and size-exclusion chromatography, are widely used in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and environmental analysis. Gas chromatography has found applications in petrochemical analysis, food and flavor analysis.


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