Rad 150 SARM - Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, and Safety
Rad 150 SARM - Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, and Safety
As performance enhancing supplements grow in popularity, one that has gained considerable traction is Rad 150

Rad 150 SARM - Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, and Safety


As performance enhancing supplements grow in popularity, one that has gained considerable traction is Rad 150. Known chemically as Testolone, Rad 150 is a potent selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that can boost muscle growth and strength. With anabolic effects that reportedly exceed testosterone, it's easy to see the appeal of Rad 150 for bodybuilders and athletes. However, like any unapproved new supplement, Rad 150 warrants caution and careful consideration before use. In this in-depth blog post, we’ll explore everything you need to know about the SARM Rad 150 – covering its background, mechanisms, usage, benefits, side effects, legality, and safety considerations.

Background on Rad 150

Developed by Radius Health Inc., Rad 150 is one of the newest SARMs on the performance enhancement scene. It has yet to be approved for clinical use, but early animal studies pointed to a formidable 10 times greater anabolic effect than testosterone. Due to lack of human trials, most data on Rad 150 comes from anecdotal reports among the bodybuilding and powerlifting communities. Chemically it is known as RAD-150 and has a molecular formula of C20H16ClF4N3O3. Colloquially it adopted the names Testolone and Rad 150 as it garnered interest in online forums as a research chemical.

How Does Rad 150 Work?

As a selective androgen receptor modulator, Rad 150 exerts its effects by binding to androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissues. This stimulates increased protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, and other anabolic mechanisms that ultimately drive muscle growth and strength development.

Notably, Rad 150 appears to have greater binding affinity and selectivity for activating the androgen receptors compared to endogenous testosterone. One study found it to be over 10 times more anabolic than testosterone, and 3 times more potent in terms of strength gains. At the same time, Rad 150 avoids unwanted side effects associated with anabolic steroids because it does not aromatize or convert to estrogen in the body. It also has less impact on androgen receptors in the prostate, skin, and other tissues where steroidal side effects often arise.

Overall, its precise tissue selectivity and extraordinarily high anabolic rating make Rad 150 an intriguing SARM for building substantial muscle mass without estrogenic side effects.

Benefits of Rad 150

Based on anecdotal experiences shared online, Rad 150 can deliver:

  • Large muscle mass gains – Users report gaining upwards of 10-15 pounds of muscle in as little as 6-8 weeks when taking Rad 150.
  • Significant strength increases – Rad 150 allows users to lift heavier weights and recover faster between workouts. Strength output can increase 20-30% or more over a cycle.
  • Enhanced athletic performance – The extra power, speed, and endurance from Rad 150 aids general athleticism and competition performance beyond just lifting.
  • Improved body composition – Rad 150 adds lean mass while also aiding fat loss, leading to a muscular and shredded physique.
  • Minimal estrogenic effects – Without aromatization to estrogen, Rad 150 avoids side effects like gynecomastia, water retention, and high blood pressure.
  • Increased bone density – By stimulating androgen receptors in bone tissue, Rad 150 improves skeletal strength. This also aids workout recovery and injury prevention.

For rapid gains in functional muscle and strength, Rad 150 is one of the most potent SARMs available. But it is not without risks.

Potential Side Effects of Rad 150

Despite a relatively favorable side effect profile, Rad 150 can produce adverse reactions, especially at higher doses. Potential side effects may include:

  • Testosterone suppression – Like other SARMs, Rad 150 can suppress natural testosterone production which leads to symptoms of low T.
  • Liver toxicity – High doses or prolonged use raises the risk of liver enzyme elevation and potential damage. This requires proper cycle management.
  • Aggression/‘Roid Rage’ – Some users report increased irritability and agitation on cycle, so mood changes need to be monitored.
  • Hair loss – Those predisposed to male pattern baldness may experience accelerated hair loss from the androgenic effects.
  • Cholesterol imbalance – Rad 150 could negatively impact HDL, LDL, and lipid profiles, increasing cardiac risk, especially at excessive doses.
  • Headache and nausea – Primarily reported at the onset of a cycle, especially if dosing too high too quickly.

To mitigate adverse effects, responsible dosing, cycle length, and post cycle therapy are key. Bloodwork monitoring is also advised.

Is Rad 150 Legal?

The legal status of SARMs, including Rad 150, varies by country. In the US, SARMs are not approved for human consumption but also not federally illegal or classified as controlled substances. However, they could still be considered adulterated drugs by the FDA. The FDA and CDC have issued warnings regarding SARMs and their risks.

In Canada, all SARMs are considered illegal and placement on the Schedule IV list makes simple possession a crime. In the UK, SARMs are covered by the Psychoactive Substances Act which prohibits their sale, but not possession, for human consumption.

Ultimately, the availability of research chemicals like Rad 150 online exists in a legal grey area globally. While not overtly marketed for use by humans, these compounds clearly circulate for that purpose. At minimum, it is imperative to research your country’s specific laws before attempting to buy or use SARMs.

Safety and Responsible Use

Given the lack of human clinical trials, most medical experts advise against using experimental SARMs like Rad 150 until more definitive safety data is available. While anecdotal experiences online point to promising benefits, the unknowns around short and long-term health consequences warrant caution.

For those who do opt to use Rad 150, strictly research-based purposes only, the utmost care and planning should be taken – including medical consultation:
  • Follow clinical guidelines for dosing and cycle length, starting low and short
  • Get bloodwork before, during, and after a cycle to monitor health markers
  • Follow a proper PCT protocol after each cycle
  • Avoid polypharmacy with other drugs or compounds
  • Monitor for adverse effects and stop immediately if issues arise
  • Allow ample time between cycles for the body to fully recover

With a substance as potent as Rad 150, education and vigilant safety practices are critical for health and avoiding legal jeopardy.

Where to Buy Rad 150

If you are looking for the best place to buy RAD 150, a powerful and effective supplement that can help you achieve your fitness goals, you should check out Survival Supplements, the leading online fitness store that specializes in high-quality SARMS and peptides. Survival Supplements offers RAD 150 in both capsule and liquid forms, depending on your preference and convenience. You can also find other products that can complement your RAD 150 cycle, such as Clomid/PCT, which is essential for post-cycle therapy and maintaining your health and well-being. Survival Supplements has a reputation for providing excellent customer service, fast and discreet shipping, and competitive prices. You can also benefit from their informative blog posts and guides that can help you learn more about RAD 150 and other SARMS. Whether you want to increase your muscle mass, strength, endurance, or recovery time, RAD 150 can help you achieve your desired results. And the best place to buy it is Survival Supplements, the ultimate online destination for all your fitness needs. Visit their website here and discover their amazing products and offers.


In summary, the SARM Rad 150 appears capable of delivering significant gains in muscle mass and strength due to its robust anabolic effects and androgen receptor selectivity. However, its status as an unapproved research chemical means appropriate caution is warranted by all prospective users until more definitive human data emerges. Proper dosing, cycling, medical supervision, and safety practices must be meticulously followed to keep Rad 150’s risks under control and support long-term health. Further human studies in clinical settings will shed more light on Rad 150’s precise effects, safety profile, and role in therapeutic contexts.

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