4 Real Estate Advice for Those Who Are Planning on Moving Abroad
4 Real Estate Advice for Those Who Are Planning on Moving Abroad
Moving abroad is an exciting and life-changing decision, but it comes with unique challenges. This article provides four essential real estate advice for individuals planning on relocating

4 Real Estate Advice for Those Who Are Planning on Moving Abroad

Moving abroad is an exciting, life-changing decision. However, it is also a huge undertaking. Two of the most important things to consider when moving abroad are the different real estate rules per country and how they can affect your lifestyle and budget.


When you move abroad, it is essential to familiarize yourself with these rules to make the right decisions for your and your family’s future. Read the practical real estate tips below if you’re considering moving to a different country soon.

4 Real Estate Advice for Those Who Are Planning on Moving Abroad

Physical moving to a different country is already quite a task. However, you must consider more factors when entering this new chapter in your life. Here is some real estate advice to help you seamlessly move abroad.


  1. Enlist a local real estate agent’s help

Moving to a different country can be stressful and daunting, especially if you are an ex-pat. For instance, you would need to rent or buy a property in the Philippines if you plan to work there for many years. Fortunately, local real estate agents can help make home-buying or renting more manageable.


Real estate agents are experts in the area where they live, so they know what properties are available based on your budget. They can show you houses that fit your needs and even negotiate with sellers on your behalf. 


Furthermore, and probably most importantly, local real estate professionals know local laws regarding buying and selling property in your chosen location, which can save you time and money in the long run. 


If you are moving abroad and want to buy a home or invest in a condo, enlisting the help of a local real estate agent is one of the best things you can do. You can find one online through international realtor organizations or recommendations from people may you know.


  1. Do your research

While this next point is straightforward, some people still fail to conduct their research before moving to another country. Research is essential when moving abroad since you cannot rely solely on other people’s input. 


Before making big decisions, ensure you know property prices, requirements, amenities, neighborhood culture, and more, and assess whether your desired place is right for you. Search for moving companies, read property listings on newspapers and real estate websites, and ask your employer to broaden your knowledge.

Sure, you can hire a real estate professional to help you out. However, it would be best to study enough about the country you plan to move into to ask the right questions. For overall home architecture and interior design, ensure that your real estate agent finds the right home for you.

If you have the means, consider visiting your ideal place first, instead of settling right away, to get a feel of the environment, people, and culture. Does the place fit your living preferences? Is the neighborhood safe? Is it accessible through public transportation? The more you learn about your prospective place, the easier your move will be.


  1. Get your finances in order

Setting your finances is something that everyone should do before moving abroad. Beyond budgeting, it is about ensuring you are ready for anything that might come up in your new place.

First, you must set up all your accounts in the country you plan to move to. You will need a bank account, credit card, and possibly an ATM card depending on where you are going. If you do not have one of these things already, it might be time to get one before you move and settle down.

In addition, it is essential to consider the angle of digital finance when setting up your accounts. With the rise of digital payment systems and online banking, exploring the digital financial services available in your destination country is crucial. Researching and selecting the right digital banking solutions can offer convenience, security, and easy access to your finances while living abroad.

The next step is deciding how much money you want to bring abroad. Creating a budget can be tricky because you might have to pay some fees when transferring too much money at once or handling a significant amount of cash.

In light of the benefits offered by digital platforms specializing in international transfers, it becomes evident that exploring these options can lead to significant cost savings on fees and access to competitive exchange rates. This, in turn, enables you to manage your finances efficiently during your time abroad.


While it is prudent to keep some cash on hand for unexpected situations, solely relying on cash can present limitations in today's digital world. Therefore, by embracing digital finance solutions alongside maintaining a reasonable amount of cash, you can adopt a more comprehensive and flexible approach to managing your finances while living abroad.


  1. Secure an insurance plan

Moving abroad is a great adventure and an exciting new chapter in your life. However, it also comes with certain risks. Moving abroad involves relocation, which means you will have to adjust to a new environment, new people, and possibly even a new culture.


As such, consider securing an insurance plan for you and your family. With an international health insurance plan, you and your family would not have to worry about finances when you get into medical emergencies, accidents, and even real estate problems abroad.


The Difference Between Buying a Home and Renting a Place

Many factors come into play when buying or renting a property abroad. Buying a house means you have a place of your own. You can decorate it however you like, make improvements, and add rooms as needed. You will also be able to sell or move if you decide it is not the right place for you anymore. 


However, buying also means you will need to pay down a mortgage, an ongoing expense for many years after moving in.

On the other hand, you can benefit more from renting a property if you do not want to commit yourself to one place for too long. 


Renting gives you more flexibility regarding where and when you live. So if you want to move around a lot or try out different places, you are better off renting a home than buying one. However, renting is not without its drawbacks. The first and probably most significant downside of renting is that you do not own your place despite paying for it.


Second, you cannot predict when your landlord will decide to evict you to renovate or repurpose their property. Your decision to buy or rent ultimately boils down to your financial capabilities, goals, and preferences.

New Place, New Responsibilities

Most people would be excited at the prospect of moving to a new place as it opens up new opportunities and a lifestyle change that some may need. However, you must know the rules and necessary steps before moving and settling in a new location.

While planning your move is not as exciting as actually doing it, it is a crucial step you must take so you will not be left in the dark once your responsibilities come. We hope these tips enlighten you and help you plan your big move for your future adventures.


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