Devkund Waterfall Trek - Favorite Destination for Nature Lovers
Devkund Waterfall Trek - Favorite Destination for Nature Lovers
Devkund Waterfall trek is indeed one of the most popular waterfalls in India, located in Maharashtra. It is a picturesque waterfall situated in the Tamhini Ghat region of the Sahyadri Range.

Devkund Waterfall trek is indeed one of the most popular waterfalls in India, located in Maharashtra. It is a picturesque waterfall situated in the Tamhini Ghat region of the Sahyadri Range. The name "Devkund" translates to "bathing place of gods." The waterfall is known for its stunning beauty, crystal-clear water, and lush green surroundings, making it a favorite destination for nature lovers and trekkers.


About the Trek

The trek to Devkund Waterfall is relatively moderate and takes you through a scenic trail, passing through dense forests, rocky terrains, and small streams. The trail is approximately 3 km long and can be completed in around 2-3 hours, depending on your pace. Along the way, you'll come across picturesque landscapes and panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.


The highlight of the trek is reaching the waterfall itself, where you'll witness a mesmerizing sight of water cascading down from a height of around 80 feet into a natural plunge pool. The pool is ideal for swimming, and many visitors enjoy taking a dip in the cool, refreshing water.


To reach Devkund Waterfall trek, you can start from Mumbai or Pune, both of which have good connectivity to the region. The nearest town to the waterfall is Bhira, which serves as the base village for the trek. From Bhira, you'll have to trek through the forested trail to reach the waterfall.


Devkund Waterfall is indeed a popular waterfall and trekking destination located in Maharashtra, India. It is known for its picturesque beauty and serene environment. Here's some information about the Devkund Waterfall trek:



Devkund Waterfall is situated near Bhira Village, which is approximately 150 kilometers from Mumbai and 50 kilometers from Pune in the Sahyadri Range of the Western Ghats.


Trek Difficulty: 

The trek to Devkund Waterfall is considered moderately difficult. It involves walking through forests, crossing streams, and navigating rocky terrains. The total trek distance is around 8 kilometers (round trip).


Scenic Beauty: 

Devkund Waterfall is renowned for its natural beauty. The waterfall cascades from a height of approximately 70 feet into a clear blue pond, forming a mesmerizing pool at the bottom. The lush green surroundings and the pristine waters make it a sight to behold.


Trekking Route: 

The trek to Devkund starts from the Bhira Village, where you need to register and obtain a guide if required. The trail takes you through dense forests, small streams, and rocky patches. It usually takes around 3-4 hours to reach the waterfall, depending on your pace.


Best Time to Visit: 

The best time to visit Devkund Waterfall is during the monsoon season (June to September) when the waterfall is in its full glory. The region receives abundant rainfall during this time, enhancing the beauty of the waterfall.


Permits and Safety: 

It is advisable to obtain necessary permits and local guidance before embarking on the trek. The trail can be slippery during the monsoon season, so it's essential to wear proper trekking shoes and carry necessary safety equipment. Swimming is prohibited in the pool beneath the waterfall due to the strong undercurrents.



Devkund Waterfall is a popular destination for nature lovers, adventure enthusiasts, and photography enthusiasts. It offers a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the tranquility of nature.


It's important to note that due to the popularity of Devkund Waterfall, it can get crowded during weekends and holidays. Therefore, it's advisable to plan your visit on weekdays or during the off-season if you prefer a more peaceful and less crowded experience.


Overall, Devkund Waterfall offers a beautiful trekking experience combined with the enchanting sight of a cascading waterfall, making it a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers.

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