Geography of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Geography of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The average annual temperature in Bosnia and Herzegovina is 9.85 °C. The average annual rainfall in Bosnia and Herzegovina is 1028 mm/year. Bosnia and Herzegovina emits 6.2 metric tons per capita of CO₂.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is considered to be a large nation because of its total area. Its total land area is 51,197 km² (approx. 19,767 mi²). Continental shelf of Bosnia and Herzegovina is approximately 50 km² (around 19 mi²). Bosnia and Herzegovina is located in Europe. Europe is a continent whose borders date back to the period of antiquity. European countries include, but are not limited to, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Malta, and The Vatican. Bosnia and Herzegovina has 3 neighbouring countries. Its neighbours include Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia. Bosnia and Herzegovina is not a landlocked country. It means that is is bordered by at least one major body of water. The average elevation range of Bosnia and Herzegovina is 500 m (1,641 ft).


Total length of land borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina is 1543 kilometers (~596 miles). Bosnia and Herzegovina has 5 unique land boundaries with neigbouring territories and it shares its land borders with 3 different countries. Bosnia and Herzegovina has 2 non-contiguous sections of land borders. This happens, when a country has a border with a neighbour, and this border is split by a border with another neighbour. Bosnia and Herzegovina has 3 neighbouring countries. Its neighbours include Croatia, Montenegro, and Serbia. The lengths of the land borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina with its neighbouring countries are as follows:


Croatia - 932 km (579 mi),

Montenegro - 225 km (140 mi),

Serbia - 302 km (188 mi).


The capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina is Sarajevo. The largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina is Sarajevo.



The average elevation range of Bosnia and Herzegovina is 500 m (1,641 ft). The highest point of Bosnia and Herzegovina is Maglić, with its official height being 2386 m (7,828 ft). The lowest point of Bosnia and Herzegovina is Adriatic Sea. The elevation difference between the highest (Maglić) and lowest (Adriatic Sea) points of Bosnia and Herzegovina is 2386 m (2 ft).



The total land area of Bosnia and Herzegovina is 51,197 km² (approx. 19,767 mi²). and the total exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is 50 km² (~19 mi²). The continental shelf of Bosnia and Herzegovina is approximately 50 km² (around 19 mi²). Including land mass and EEZ, the total area of Bosnia and Herzegovina is approximately 51,247 km² (~19,786 mi²). Bosnia and Herzegovina is considered to be a large nation because of its total area.


Forest and arable land

25,599 km² of Bosnia and Herzegovina's territory is covered in forests, and forest land comprises 50% of all the land in the country. There are 10,040 km² of arable land in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it comprises 20% of the country's total territory.

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